Meaningful Journeys: Navigating Life's Path with Purposeful Living

With clinical social worker and certified logotherapist by Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy in Vienna, Paola Vega is your guide to a meaningful existence.

Empower your life: The guiding principles in our transformative process

  • Search for Meaning

    The central idea is that everyone is driven to find meaning in their life. It's about discovering what gives your life purpose and makes it feel significant.

  • Freedom of Will

    You have the freedom to choose your attitude and responses, even in challenging situations. No matter what happens, you have the power to decide how you'll react.

  • Responsibility

    Take responsibility for your life and the meaning you give to your experiences. Instead of blaming circumstances, recognize your role in shaping the meaning of your life.

  • Viewing Challenges as Opportunities

    Rather than seeing difficulties as obstacles, consider them as chances for personal growth. Challenges can be stepping stones toward a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

  • Holistic Approach

    Consider the interconnectedness of your mind, body, and spirit. Achieving balance and meaning involves caring for your mental and physical well-being while also nourishing your spiritual self, acknowledging the deeper aspects of your existence.

Hello, I am Paola

Passionate about activating individuals' innate self-healing capacities, I avoid rigid approaches, treating each person as a unique creator.

In programs and 1:1 sessions, I offer holistic care, respecting and nurturing individuals on their journey to reclaim vulnerable aspects.

With a background in clinical social work, certified logotherapist by Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy in Vienna, a decade of meditation and courses in biodecodification. I integrate diverse modalities.

Rejecting labels, I share my vision globally, encouraging others to embrace their unique paths. Logotherapy is a central pillar, infusing existential insights and purpose into transformative journeys.